Ted TURLINGS Ted Turlings is a national of the Netherlands and did his studies at Leiden University, where he obtained a bachelors and masters degree in Biology, with a specialization in Ecology. In 1985 he moved to the University of Florida to conduct a PhD in Entomology/Chemical Ecology under the direction of James Tumlinson. During his PhD he discovered that insect-damaged plants emit specific volatile signals that attract parasitic wasps and other natural enemies of herbivores. After a brief post-doctoral period in Florida he moved to Switzerland in 1993. He first spent three years at the ETH-Zurich and in 1996 he obtained a prestigious START-fellowship, which he took the University of Neuchâtel to start his own research group. He is in charge of the laboratory of Fundamental and Applied Research in Chemical Ecology (FARCE), which focuses on the use of plant-produced signals to improve crop protection. They have been most successful at identifying and improving a root-produced signal that attracts entomophatogenic nematodes. He is also the director of the newly established Center of Competence in Chemical Ecology (C3E). |
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Doyle McKEYDoyle McKey, professor at the University of Montpellier, is an ecologist with over 40 years’ experience in the world’s tropical ecosystems. From his early work on the evolution of plant defense systems, the role of plant defenses in the ecology of generalist mamalian herbivores and ant-plant protection mututalisms, through his current work on plant evolution under domestication and the biocultural ecology of seasonally flooded savannas, his focus has been on interactions between plants and other organisms, including humans. His broad interests have led him to collaborate with phytochemists, geneticists, geographers, agronomists, pedologists, ethnobiologists, archaeologists and anthropologists, and he has published in (and reviewed manuscripts for) respected journals in all these fields. His work has been recognized by several awards, including the Grand Prix Recherche (highest honor conferred by the Société Française d’Ecologie, France’s national professional organization for ecologists) and recognition as Distinguished Ethnobotanist by the Royal Botanic Garden (Kew, UK). |
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Franck DAYANFranck Dayan was born in Lyon (France) and grew up in the south of France. He attended the Institut Agricole de Fontlongue where he developed an appreciation for plant science. He received his Ph.D. in Plant Physiology from Auburn University in Alabama in 1995 and worked as a Research Plant Physiologist with the USDA-ARS Natural Products Utilization Research Unit for 20 years. He has now joined the faculty of the Bioagricultural Sciences and Pest Management at Colorado State University. His work covers the mechanisms of action of natural and synthetic herbicides and the mechanisms of herbicide resistance in plants, as well as chemical ecological studies of plant-plant interactions (allelopathy). He has served as treasurer of the Phytochemical Society of North America from 2006 to 2011 and president of that society in 2014-2015. He also served as treasurer for the International Weed Science Society (2012-2016). He is an Associate Editor for Weed Science and Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology as well as North American Editor for Outlooks on Pest Management. |
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Chang-Hung CHOU
Plant Ecology, Phytochemical Ecology, Plant Molecular Ecology specialist |
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Inderjit Inderjit is one of the pioneers in allelopathy research. Inderjit has demonstrated that allelopathy forms the basis of understanding the competitive dominance of weeds at various levels of ecological organization and showed that mediation of allelochemical activity by ecological processes, climatic and abiotic and biotic soil factors makes allelopathy conditional. The primary goal of Inderjit’s current research is to understand the mechanisms through which exotic invasive species achieve their competitive or general ecological success and influence biodiversity. Inderjit is authors in several high impact journals and also on the editorial board of European and North American journals. |
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Olivier THOMAS2012: Professor in Marine Natural Product Chemistry at University Nice Sophia Antipolis, France 2004: Lecturer in Marine Natural Product Chemistry at University Nice Sophia Antipolis, France 2002: Post-Doctorate at CEA Saclay, France 2002: PhD in Organic Chemistry at University Paris Descartes, France under the supervision of Henri-Philippe HUSSON 1999: Master Degree in Organic Chemistry from University Paris Descartes, France 1996-1998: Teacher at French School La Condamine Quito, Ecuador 1996: Agregation in Chemistry at Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan, France |
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Russell BARROWAssistant professor PhD(Melb) MPEdT(Deakin) - Senior Lecturer ANU College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Areas of expertise
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Zahid Ata CHEEMA |