Poster size: Vertical A0 (115 cm high and 84 cm large) - no landscape format
The poster should be legible from at least 1.5 meter
Poster should be mounted on the assigned board the first day and exposed during all the conference
During the poster session the presenting author should be present in the poster area for free discussion (it is recommended to include your picture on the poster to facilitate your identification and discussion)
Oral presentations will be strictly limited to 15 minutes. A 5-minute period between presentations will accommodate questions, discussion, and introduction of next speaker
Oral communications will be handled by a master control. It is thus essential that you upload your presentation at the designated booth as soon as possible. The deadline will be 15 minutes before session beginning (without any exception). Upload will be possible by USB stick only.
Your presentation has to be in PDF format preferably. PPTX (powerpoint) are also accepted, but you have to check compatibility first with the most recent Powerpoint Windows version. We will not be able to preview it at the desk. Regarding the resolution, you are encouraged to choose 1920x1080 even if other resolutions are possible.
Please, be present in the conference room 10 min before the beginning of your session in order to have time to discuss with the session chair that will be in charge to introduce you.
Guidelines to prepare your talk and poster and ensure you address the wider implications of your work are availabale by following this link.