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Aix Marseille Université Aix Marseille Université
Aix-Marseille University is one of biggest universities of France today and it is a institution of higher education and excellent research. It is a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary university which proposes trainings in all the disciplinary fields: health, sciences and technologies, arts, letters, languages and human sciences, law and political sciences, economy and management.
National Centre for Scientific Research is a public organism placed under the supervision of the Ministry of Education, the Higher education and the Search. It produces knowledge and gives back this knowledge to the community.
French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development
ECCOREV: ECosystèmes COntinentaux et Risques EnVironnementaux A research federation to facilitate interdisciplinary connections in ecological sciences.
MedNet MedNet
MedNet is a Mediterranean Network of environmental training sites supporting OSU Institut Pythéas master’s degrees and international academic partnerships. This program aims to favor the learning by the experience and organizes schools of ground in the teachings of the Geosciences of the Environment.
Labex OT-Med Labex OT-Med
OT-Med (Objectif Terre - Méditerranée) is a “Laboratoire d’excellence” (LABEX) selected by the French program Investissements d’Avenir. It brings together 10 research laboratories and 1 research federation specialized in different fields: environmental sciences, geosciences, ecology, agronomy, law, economics and social sciences.
The Research Institute for Chromatography is equipped to assist customers in every step of the analytical process: from instrumental developments/installation, sample preparation and method development, to implementation of the method in your laboratory and training of your staff.
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